Town of Linden Shop and Hall Building

Board Meeting Agenda, February, 2024

Town of Linden
County of Iowa

The Town Board of the Town of Linden, Iowa County, Wisconsin hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Linden for February 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Linden Town Hall.  The Town Clerk has posted this notice on the Township website and at the Town Hall.  The public may provide comments, per established protocol, to the Town Board upon recognition by the presiding officer.

  1. Call to order.
  2.  Roll call. 
  3.  Verification of public notice and approval of agenda of the Town Board meeting.
  4.  Reading of minutes of prior meeting and approval
  5. Public comments
  6. Tiffany Vinje – Easement for underground cable
  7. Jon Novak zoning change 50’ parcel -  Berg Rd
  8. Ruth Spurley zoning change 3 parcels -  Roaster Rd
  9. Erick Vertein driveway and site review -  Whitson Rd 
  10. Bloomfield Prairie  Resolution? Stosh
  11. Town and Country contract tabled from January
  12. Johnson Block contract
  13. Letters to Pattern from last meeting -  motion to rescind January motion
  14. Chairman’s Report
  15. Patrolman’s Report – Culvert Inventory info from webnar, Small bridge grant program
  16. Clerk’s Report   Road Grant Reminder, Fencing dispute Zamora/Miller, Max insurance for Board/Township lawsuit 1M.,  Compliance review of Dump, Grants for Ag roads,  wages for election workers
  17. Approval and payment of bills
  18. Set time and date for next meeting  March 13th
  19. Adjourn